
관리자 2021-10-27 11:42:19
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- User help menu를 이용한 기기 작동 방법 화면에 문자로 설명
- 최대 9 point pH calibration, 버퍼자동인식 기능(5개의 Buffer groups, 1개의 사용자 설정 Buffer group)
- Resolution 0.001/0.01/0.1 pH 선택가능
- pH, mV, Rel. mV, 온도를 화면에 동시 표시
- Pt 1000 또는 30K NTC를 이용한 온도 자동 보상
- 버퍼자동인식 기능, 1 point pH calibration (84Us/cm, 1413Us/cm, 12.88ms/cm, sat Nacl, 사용자 설정 Buffer)
- Auto ranging Resolution
- USP 규정에 적합
- Conductivity / Resistivity / TDS / Salinity 측정
- Reference Temperature(20 or 25°C) 선택 가능
- RS232 interface 와 Analog output
- USB, TTL 통신 모듈을 장착가능 (선택사양)
- 10 Calibration data, 10 method, 1,0000개의 측정값 저장가능
- 전극스탠드 높이 조절가능
- Calibration reminder 기능
- Meter ID, User name, Sample ID를 Keypad를 이용하여 입력 가능.
- 일정 시간 간격 측정, 일정 시간 간격으로 측정 Data 출력 및 저장
- Screen saver 기능
- 자동, 수동, 시간 간격 측정
- Calibration curve 그래프 표시, 저장된 25개의 Calibration data 그래프 표시
- Barcode reader 이용가능
- TTL 통신 모듈에 Auto sample changer를 연결하여 사용가능
1. pH measurement  
pH range -2.000 to 19.999
pH resolution (0.1 not in JP) 0.001/0.01/0.1
pH relative accuracy +/- 0.001
2. mV Measurement  
mV range -1999 to 1999
mV resolution 0.1
mV relative accuracy +/- 0.2
Relative mV measurement Yes
3. Temperature measurement  
Temperature range °C -5.0 to 130
Temperature resolution °C 0.1
Temperature relative accuracy °C +/- 0.1
4. Conductivity measurement  
Conductivity range, auto ranging 0.01 ?S/cm to 1000 mS/cm
Temperature range with blinking display 80 ? 100 °C
Conductivity resolution 2 decimal place
Conductivity relative accuracy +/- 0.5%
5. Other measurements  
TDS range, auto ranging 0.1 mg/L to 2000g/L
TDS resolution 2 decimal place?
TDS relative accuracy +/- 0.5%
Adjustable solids factor Yes
Resistivity range M?*cm 0.00 to 2’000
Salinity range ppt 0.00 80.00
6. Hardware  
Display type? Matrix backlit
Inputs BNC, 2mm pin, Mini-DIN, 2 x ATC, power
Analog outputs See S40
Communication (RS232 / Ethernet) RS 232 / Ethernet? / USB
Power requirements 9V DC
7. Temperature compensation  
Manual (Default at 25°C) -5.0 to 130.0°C
Automatic -5.0 to 130
Simultaneous display Yes
Selectable reference temperature 20 or 25°C
Linear correction Yes
Non-linear correction (DIN38404) Yes
8. Calibration functions  
Auto buffer recognition / prompting Yes
User defined pH / Conductivity standards Yes (9)
pH calibration See S80
Conductivity calibration ( 84, 1413, 12.88, sat NaCl) 1 of 4 points
Last calibration with time and date last 10 /channel
User defined limits for slope Yes (pH only)
9. Read Format  
Manual freeze functions Yes
Reading stable/ready indicator Yes
Auto endpoint Yes
Timed endpoint Yes
Last reading with date and time 1000 / channel
Selectable resolution Auto ranging
Display of 25 reading with hi/lo alarms Yes
10. Other functions  
Date and time (24 hour clock) continuous Yes
Power loss memory protection Yes
Selectable high/low alarms Yes
Self diagnostics test Yes
Multi-language display 5 selectable Yes
Numeric keypad entry Yes
Alphanumeric input of meter ID, user name, sample ID, sensor ID, serial nr Yes
Data logging capabilities 1000 /channel
Barcode reader for sample ID, sensor ID Yes
Selectable RS232 interface settings Yes
SevenMulti meter 1 EA
Conductivity expansion unit 1 EA
pH expansion unit 1 EA
Manufacturer’s certificate 1 EA
Electrode stand 1 EA
InLab413 pH electrode 1 EA
InLab730 conductivity electrode 1 EA
Buffer sachets(pH 4.01, 7.00, 9.21) 6 EA
Cond. standard solution(12.88mS/cm,1418uS/cm) 4 EA
Operating manual 1 EA
pH Measurement guide book 1 EA
Conductivity Measurement guide book 1 EA