Sample handling

관리자 2021-10-26 15:19:09
0 24





The dissolved oxygen sensor includes automatic temperature compensation and has a fast response time to changes in dissolved oxygen.
Each unit incudes a zero-oxygen solution, two membrane caps, a 100% calibration bottle, and electrode filling solution. Replacement membrane caps are available (order code: NavDO-012A)
You can make fast, accurate measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration in water samples using our Dissolved Oxygen Probe. This probe has a range of 0 to 14 mg/L (ppm) of dissolved oxygen. It has built-in temperature compensation, which means you can do your calibrations in the lab, and then make measurements outdoors without having to recalibrate. The probe has a fast response time, reaching 95% of full reading in 30 seconds.
You may have heard how difficult it can be to change membranes on other dissolved oxygen probes. This is not the case with our Dissolved Oxygen Probe--disposable caps with pre-fit membranes allow you to quickly and conveniently change membranes. An extra membrane cap is included with each probe.
Calibration is easy with this sensor. Simply place the electrode in the zero-oxygen solution provided with the probe for the 0% calibration point. For the 100% calibration point, place the electrode in air (or better yet, in water-saturated air, using the provided calibration bottle). The probe can be calibrated in any units you choose: % Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L, or ppm dissolved oxygen