



특징 (Features)
■ 신속한-납품 & A/S, Spare 부품 공급의 원활성, and the Best Price.
■ Auto-Height Control of Bath / Convenience & Safety with Motorized Lift.
■ Wearless Drive with Indication Motor : Long Service Life.
■ High Vacuum Seal "Teflon/NBR Nitrile": Excellent Resistance of Abrasion / Aging / Chemicals / Temperature.
■ Digital Vertical-type : LED Display, Speed rpm / Temp.℃ of Bath & Vapor.
■ Easy Cleaning : Φ100mm Mouth of Evaporating Flask.
* 환경 친화적, "ERGONOMIC" Design, 안전성과 긴 수명.
* Heating Bath의 높낮이 (Height)가 Motor 작동에 의해 자유롭게 조절 (Auto-Control)됨.
* The Best Borosilicate Glassware (α3.3) 특급 Lab용 경질유리.
* No Foaming, Cold Trap Bath (Option) 연결가능.
* 세척의 용이성 : 농축Flask의 입구가 Φ100mm Big Size로 Direct Hand Washing이 가능함.

규격 (Specifications)
* Power Consumption of Digital Heating Bath.
① 2000 Watts: 5 Lit. Evaporator ② 3000 Watts: 10 Lit. Evaporator
* Rotation Drive : Indication Motor with External Fan.
* Digital Control / DIsplay :
? 10~180 RPM Rotation.
·Up to 95℃ Digital Heating Bath (Stainless steel).
* Motorized Lift(the Glassware is not moved).
* 3-Fold Coil Condenser (Multi-flux type).
* 710 mmHg Final Vacuum
* Flask Capacity
① 5 Lit. Evaporator : 5 Lit. Evaporating flask, and 3 Lit. Receiving flask.
② 10 Lit. Evaporator: 10 Lit. Evaporating flask, and 5 Lit. Receiving flask.
* Power Source : AC 220V, 50/60 Hz, 9.5A./for 5 Lit. (14A./for 10 Lit.)
* Size and Weight
① For 5 Lit.: w50×d70×h160 cm, 48 kg
② For 10 Lit.: w50×d70×h160 cm, 55 kg

주문 (Ordering)
※ Note : There are 2×types of "Bench" and "Trolley" with casters.
                Please notice the type when placing order. 주문시 이동식 바퀴 부착 여부 명시 요함!
(1) 5 Lit. Digital Evaporator Set "HS5SP", Trolley-type (바퀴 부착형)
DH.HS5SP   Evaporator 5 Lit. Set, With Heating Bath With Each One of 5 Lit. Evap. & 3 Lit. Recei.-Flasks.
(2) 10 Lit. Digital Evaporator Set "HS10SP", Trolley-type (바퀴 부착형)
DH.HS10SP   Evaporator 10 Lit. Set, With Heating Bath With Each One of 10 Lit. Evap. & 5 Lit. Recei.-Flasks